28th May 2022

Happy Birthday WordPress

Happy Birthday WordPress

Today WordPress is 19 years old :sweat_smile:, if you are interested in WordPress following the founder of WordPress and CEO of automatic Matt Mullenweg would help you to decide what to drop while using WordPress and what not to drop.

Around 2018, exactly when Gutenberg was launched, a part of the community have created another one time clone of WordPress called ClassicPress. Back than Matt had a vision that websites gonna be 360 degree(Virtual Reality aka Meta Verse) and the classic press peeps wanted a WP admin without Gutenberg.

Matt doesn't believe in the Jamstack when it comes to big websites, even that I like the Jamstack I can't desagree with him on his points that with Jamstack your build invoice go bigger when the site go bigger.

The bad user experience of Jamstack is that you ask Admin Editor can't directly solve problems on the live/staging website because a build gonna at least take at least 5 minutes or maybe more depending on how many pages are available on the static site.

With WordPress being 19 years it is hard to invest in a new solution and leave all the available perks in WordPress, I have tried multiple times to check other tools but each time I was going back to WP because I wasn't been able to find a tool that offers what WordPress has or what is under development.

The Essential Skills of a Senior WordPress Developer

2nd May 2023